Lightening the Forehand

A very common problem is the horse that leans on the rider’s hands and feels downhill and unbalanced under saddle. Most horses to one degree or another initially tend to feel heavy during transitions when first ridden but this habit should not be encouraged to continue!

Horse thoracic sling musclesIn this clinic we look in detail at the horse’s biomechanics and consider the long term detrimental effect on the horse’s feet and front limbs if he is allowed to travel on the forehand.

There is no doubt that how we ride our horse and the manner in which the horse carries himself has a cumulative effect on his well-being over time. Whether that effect is positive or negative is up to us!

What will you learn?

In this Clinic the focus is on correct training that will over time strengthen the horse and assist him to lighten his forehand. This will both benefit him and make him much more pleasurable to ride.

The equitation topics covered are:

  • The secrets to riding Transitions well
  • How ride effortless Transitions within a pace
  • How to best execute Half Halts
  • The timing of the Half Halt
  • The techniques to ride a rhythmical and balanced Rein Back
  • How to ride Leg Yield
  • Quarter Turn on the Forehand
  • Perfecting your Turns on the Haunches